Friday, May 31, 2013

Confessions of 3 year old`s mommy

I have been experiencing major mommy guilt these past few months! I decided to quilt my job in public safety to stay at home with my son because I have worked since he was in my belly lol, kind of a break I guess....did I mention on the 2nd shift! Anyway I thought this would be far less difficult but I guess I didn't get the memo on the energetic toddler who loves the word NO! I never had postpartum but lawd have mercy something hit me like a ton of bricks BOOM because he wants his way and I need my space/outlet in which I feel bad about me feeling this way. I love my son dearly and its just me 25/8 however he has his moments and I understand but wish he was newborn at times so I can at least use the powder room ALONE in peace! Well I hope I stop feeling this way or at least learn how to handle wanting my time and space. He recently started preschool last summer and can you believe I don't have dinner waiting when he comes home smh! I want to be the type of mom who cooks everything from scratch and do activities with him in house. We do everything together because without him my life would not be as fulfilled as it and for that I am grateful! I absolutely love being a mom and felt that I was born to do this job but now I just feel like I am not nurturing/soothing enough and/or slacking in some of my mommy duties. Well he didn't come with instructions so we are in this together the way God intended so I just need to find the balance that works best for me and celebrate as much as possible because in a few years he will playing college football at an HBCU in which he better call me everyday or every other day! I enjoy and cherish our mommy and me time but I need to kick it up a notch! I think that is why I have become a social media butterfly moreover its my mini mommy get away! Chase means the stars and moon to me with that infectious smile and silly spirit!

I was watching Tia and Tamera a few weeks ago and she had her own mommy guilt issues and pose the question does the guilt ever go away??


  1. OMGGG!!! I completely understand what you mean. I mean exactly! I quit my job in September 2012 for a few reasons, one being the "break" thing, too, but mostly for school. At the same time, I took my then 3 year old out of daycare. Let's just say they NEVER turn down.

    I understand your "guilt" because often times I experience it too. But just hang in there. Things will get better. What has helped me is developing a schedule...sort of. Like going to the park, library, museum, movies, the mall, the pool, or in the backyard on certain days. Since it's the summer, my town offers tons of free fun events or family events that don't cost too much. Try getting out of the house with him as often as possible, even if it's just to run errands, go to the grocery store or get $1 ice cream from Checkers. Don't stress too much, mama!

    My son turned 4 a week ago and we still adjust our "sort of" schedule from time to time. Oh, and try, too. Hope this helps!


    1. He is currently not in preschool and you are right never turn down lol! I love to take him on outings and to free/cheap activities around town, I stay up on events! I really need to get a solid routine and schedule for him because when we are at home that`s when I have the problem that is why we are hardly ever here lol! Thanks for the advice Ariel!!!
